on 2003-12-03 11:28 Edward H. Trager wrote:

WHY NOT just *give* away the Linear B, Ogham,

I give away Linear B. It's an incomplete set, and has not been vetted by experts, as has Michael's. It's worth what you pay for it.

I and Michael both give away Ogham. His has the glyphs in the proper Unicode slots; mine is a font hack (I have the Unicode version sitting on my hard disk, tapping its foot waiting to get out).

And making fonts isn't my day job. With Michael, you get scholarly expertise, professional care, and someone to complain to when things are wrong. With my fonts, you get what you pay for.

I'd be happy, short-term, if Michael gave away more stuff. But until he becomes independently wealthy, we all lose long-term if he decides he can no longer afford to devote the time to script encoding.

Curtis Clark                  http://www.csupomona.edu/~jcclark/
Mockingbird Font Works                  http://www.mockfont.com/

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