Damn right. I would like to know this too. In particular, I want all the math characters working, and all the musical symbols working. Note that many of these are not in the BMP. I want to be able to put these characters on web pages, and know that they will be displayed correctly on my own choice of browser (which is not MSIE)..

And since I already have a Windows OS (XP Pro), I don't see why I should have to buy another one just to get these extras. I'm hoping it would suffice to make just the FONTS available to the world.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Patrick Andries [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, December 02, 2003 3:54 AM
> To: Michael (michka) Kaplan; Unicode List
> Subject: Re: MS Windows and Unicode 4.0 ?
> I'm interested in knowing whether the following features
> would soon be found
> in Windows : fonts for scripts covered by Unicode 4.0, corresponding
> rendering engine to display all Unicode 4.0 scripts

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