It looks to me like Christopher is not after an analysis of what standards could somehow be squeezed to use Unicode charsets, but rather a list of standards that _specify_ (actively, not potentially) Unicode/10646.

The obvious ones are of course
HTML (at least since 4.01:

I do not have a complete list.


Philippe Verdy wrote:

From: "Christopher John Fynn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Anyone have a list of other standards, protocols, RFC's etc which specify
Unicode (in any of it's encoding formats) as the base, default or
preferred character set to be used?

For RFCs it's not difficult to get this list using the built-in search engine.

However a more interesting list would be to seek for standards that were
built on non-Unicode, non-ISO/IEC10646 charsets, registered in IANA, and
that were since mapped onto Unicode, where these standards may perform
some string processing that does not conform to Unicode processing rules.

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