> >I agree.  Furthermore, it seems to me that the laryngeal a, e, and o 
> >subscripts are not productive, and that it would be better to encode 
> >something named either LATIN LETTER CAPITAL H WITH SUBSCRIPT A or 
> >(better, IMHO)
> >LATIN LETTER A-COLORED LARYNGEAL, and the same for the other two.
> No, the letters are productive in other contexts besides IE 
> laryngeals. In particular at least the Uralicists have recently 
> written to me thanking me for proposing the subscript o because it 
> turns out they need it too.

And I pointed out that subscript-a is used as a transcription
for furtive patah in Hebrew. So there are sure to be more
such instances for a, e, and o, in particular.

It's the subscript-x and subscript-/ that I am objecting to.


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