Hello Aso,

2004-03-01T11:18:34+03:00 Asomiddin Atoev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I am emailing on behalf of the Tajikistani state
> working group on localizing software for Tajik
> language. Could you please kindly guide us to be in
> right direction. What shall be the procedure of
> standartization of alphabet symbols? Tajik alphabet
> makes use of cyrillic symbols and contains of 35
> letters.

As far as I know all of the Cyrillic letters contained in the Tajik
alphabet are already encoded in the Unicode standard. See the code
charts at: http://www.unicode.org/charts/ and particularly

I heard the Tajik alphabet was reformed, if you could send a picture
or a link to the modern alphabet then someone (e.g., me) could provide
the exact codepoints for you if you're in doubt.

Best regards,
  Alexander Savenkov                            http://www.xmlhack.ru/
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]             http://www.xmlhack.ru/authors/croll/

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