Jon Wilson scripsit:

> The character in question is a variant of "CIRCLED LATIN CAPITAL LETTER 
> A", commonly referred to as the  "Anarchy" symbol. The bars of the A are 
> longer than normal, extending to touch or even overlap the circle.

It's basically a logo, and as such doesn't belong in Unicode, which doesn't
encode logos.  Insofar as it's used in or near running text (to write the
word "anarchy" itself, or as a bullet point, e.g.), it's a mere glyph variant
of circled capital A.  There is unlikely to be any text where the two are
used contrastively.

> See for example,
> This character has a distinct history and meaning, and I believe it to 
> be suitable for inclusion in Unicode as a separate character from 

That argument would be good if the character were Han, but it is not.

> In the spirit of anarchy, I am likely to pursue this application, 
> whatever response I get! Equally in the spirit of anarchy, you are free 
> to make provide whatever comments and assistance you wish, on any of the 
> above points.

In the spirit of anarchy, please find some other contribution to the social

A poetical purist named Cowan           [that's me: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Once put the rest of us dowan.          [on xml-dev]
    "Your verse would be sweeter
    If it only had metre      
And rhymes that didn't force me to frowan."     [overpacked line!] --Michael Kay

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