Hi James, All,

> If this is treated as a Unicode issue rather than a display issue, then
> one solution
> would be for someone to propose a new character, (back on topic a little
> bit)
> Then, rather than inserting DOTTED CIRCLE into the display, a rendering
> engine
> could be changed to insert this new character.  Then, these updated
> rendering
> engines could be distributed and font developers could add the new
> characters
> to fonts and distribute updated fonts.  This might just take a while, but
> it
> wouldn't be too hard to find examples of the character in actual text use
> to
> accompany the proposal...
> "If it ain't broke, don't fix it."  So, is it 'broke'?

Your argument about not spotting errors, when SPACE+COMBINING SOMETHING gets
rendered without the dotted circle looks convincing, but lacks consistency:
The SPACE character
can be used to transform the combining marks from the U+0300..U+03BF range
into spacing

But that aside, it would be better to not to use SPACE for this purpose, for
reasons you mentioned.
So just any Unicode codepoint sequence which turns combining marks into
spacing glyphs would be a solution (only the first answers to Srivas' question
inidicated, that SPACE is to be used according to Unicode). One may be able to
conjure a new Unicode codepoint ISOLATED COMBINING MARK for this purpose, but
amongst all spaces and dubious characters at U+20?? something existing
should be found adequate.

Peter Jacobi

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