on 2004-11-21 05:40 Stefan Persson wrote:
I think M$ bases their guesses on what to download on the charsets used. If e.g. EUC-JP is used, you may be asked to download a Japanese fount, even if the page doesn't contain any Japanese characters at all,

I can confirm this--I was working with a draft web site made by a student assistant, and when I went to view it, IE asked if I wanted to install a Korean font. Turns out that Dreamweaver on his Korean-localized system had set the encoding to euc-kr, even though there was nothing beyond us-ascii.

-- Curtis Clark http://www.csupomona.edu/~jcclark/ Web Coordinator, Cal Poly Pomona +1 909 979 6371 Professor, Biological Sciences +1 909 869 4062

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