"Arcane Jill" writes:

> The obvious solution is for all Unix machines everywhere to be using the same 
> locale - and it 
> had better be UTF-8. But an instantaneous global switch-over is never going 
> to happen, so we see 
> this gradual switch-over ... and it is during this transition phase that 
> Lars's problem 
> manifests. 

The only solution is (a) to use ASCII or (b) to make the switch over as quick 
and clean as possible. Anyone who wants to create new files in UTF-8 and leave 
their old files in the old encoding is asking for trouble. There's no magic
bullet, and complaining here as much as you want won't help. If you're a
system administrator, explain that to the people using your system, and
treat stupid responses just like you would any LART-worthy response.

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