Title: RE: Roundtripping in Unicode

D. Starner wrote:
> The only solution is (a) to use ASCII or (b) to make the
> switch over as quick
> and clean as possible. Anyone who wants to create new files
> in UTF-8 and leave
> their old files in the old encoding is asking for trouble.
> There's no magic
> bullet, and complaining here as much as you want won't help.
> If you're a
> system administrator, explain that to the people using your
> system, and
> treat stupid responses just like you would any LART-worthy response.

A lone IT guy in a small company is not really in a position to take that stance. His user is also his boss. And it gets more complicated when thousands of systems in a network are involved. And if guys in the IT department realize the risks, and know they will be blamed for any inconvenience? Perhaps they will decide that the switch to UTF-8 is not really needed in their company. Though, some users will start using UTF-8 on their own. And come complaining about the problems. And IT will again try to balance what to do. Except now it's even worse, since not all filenames are in Latin 1. And so on.


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