On Tuesday 08 June 2010 10:53:15 am John Dlugosz wrote:
> Yes, when discussing values in hex, this is an English problem.  What do I
>  call the useful higher powers and groups?  What is the equivalent of
>  "thousands" or "millions" to refer to powers of 65536 or 4294967296?

Seriously, these questions are all answered in the book...

(written using "classical" hexadecimal digits)
0=Noll  1=An            2=De            3=Te            4=Go    5=Su            
7=Ra            8=Me    9=Ni            A=Ko    b=Hu            C=Vy    d=La
E=Po    F=Fy            10=Ton  100=San 1000=Mill       1,0000=Bong
1,0000,0000=Tam 1,0000,0000,0000=Song   1,0000,0000,0000,0000=Tran
2,8d5b,7E0F=Detam, memill - lasan - suton - hubong, ramill-posanfy

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