Den 2010-07-26 02.48, skrev "Doug Ewell" <>:

> superscript letters S, T, b, m, r, s, and t.  [...]
> Imagine my surprise, then, when I found that these superscripts are not
> formally encoded (only i and n are).  [...]

There are more superscripted letters than i and n that are encoded; among
them are:

1D40;MODIFIER LETTER CAPITAL T;Lm;0;L;<super> 0054
1D47;MODIFIER LETTER SMALL B;Lm;0;L;<super> 0062
1D50;MODIFIER LETTER SMALL M;Lm;0;L;<super> 006D
02B3;MODIFIER LETTER SMALL R;Lm;0;L;<super> 0072
02E2;MODIFIER LETTER SMALL S;Lm;0;L;<super> 0073
1D57;MODIFIER LETTER SMALL T;Lm;0;L;<super> 0074

(only missing MODIFIER LETTER CAPITAL S from that list at top of the quote

    /kent k

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