OK, I sent an email to the web site contact address.  Who knows if
that will help?  Maybe if a *lot* of people bombard them with emails,
they will get the message ... :

>> from Ed <ed.tra...@gmail.com>
>> to   diction...@burmese-dictionary.org
>> date Mon, Nov 8, 2010 at 5:07 PM
>> subject      Please Convert Your Website to Unicode!
>> mailed-by    gmail.com
>> Hi!
>> Your website is not encoded using Unicode.
>> This causes great confusion for your users.  For example, they cannot
>> "copy and paste" Burmese text because the text is really just ASCII
>> Latin letters with a "hacked" Burmese font.
>> It would be much better if you would convert your web site to use Unicode.
>> Thank you!
>> Sincerely  -- Ed Trager

On Mon, Nov 8, 2010 at 4:49 PM, Rick McGowan <r...@unicode.org> wrote:
> Hello Philippe Blankert -
> Thanks for your interest in Unicode...
>> http://www.burmese-dictionary.org/tastatur.php?terme=hotel&termb=%5Bkdw%2Cf&id=2970
> That page isn't in Unicode at all, it's an 8859-1 encoded page. That's part
> of the problem.
> Then, the Burmese characters on the page are all *images*, and when you
> click the buttons to type into the field, it seems to send ASCII text to the
> input field.
> And the WWin_Burmese1 font, which I just downloaded to check, is an
> "ASCII-hack" font that is not encoded in Unicode.
> Hope that helps.
>    Rick

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