Jim Monty <jim dot monty at yahoo dot com> wrote:

> How cool is it to post an inquiry to the Unicode mailing list and have
> Unicode luminaries like Mark Davis, Asmus Freytag, Markus Scherer,
> Martin Dürst and Doug Ewell ALL reply?

Don't count me among the luminaries.  I'm just a student too, studying
Unicode for 19 years now, and to prove that I'm still learning...

> When I type the ideograph 漢 (U+FA47) into BabelPad, highlight it, and
> then click the button labeled "Normalize to NFC", the character
> becomes 漢 (U+6F22). Does BabelPad not conform to the Unicode Standard
> in this case? Is this not truly Unicode normalization?

Crap.  Yes, Ken and BabelPad are right.  Some ideographs do have
singleton mappings and can thus be different between NFD and NFC.  It
isn't quite the same as combining U+30C8 and U+3099 to make U+30C9, or
combining jamos into precomposed syllables, but it's enough to disprove
my earlier statement.

How about this:

For *any* text example which can be encoded differently in NFC and NFD,
there are some combinations of OS + app + rendering engine + font that
can display that example properly in both forms, and some that cannot.

Doug Ewell | Thornton, Colorado, USA | http://www.ewellic.org
RFC 5645, 4645, UTN #14 | ietf-languages @ is dot gd slash 2kf0s ­

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