There are some errors in my message, my "tilda" means "titlo",
"U+0483" as I wrote (also "vzmet", but the tilde is better example!),
"plane text" is "plain text" surely, i'm terribly sorry I never learn

What I am talking about? The Cyrillic titlo is a character that
allmost ever combines with more than one base character, I was
thinking everybody who knowing what is titlo are knowing that true.
There is no logical explanation why that MARK has to be split to
CHARACTERS. For old typewriters? (But even mew applications does not
have any half-titlos). I do not want change my mind for thinking as
old typemachine. I want write texts in LOGICAL ORDER: few characters
followed by a titlo above.Обсуждение:Титло — that is discussion
from Wikipedia, only theme is "where a hell to put this titlo".

 Кратак титло се користи преко једног слова или преко места
скраћенице; дуги титло се користи преко целе
речи.[Титло] (Two titlos exists, short is
for marking place of abbreviation and long is combining with whole

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