On 4/4/2012 2:01 PM, Philippe Verdy wrote:

.. there are good reasons why a date displayed in a page could
be formatted differently from other dates in the same page, when they
are in fact part of different contents each one using its language.
Multilingual pages are frequent, and this is why we can tag each part
of the displayed content with its language tag, independantly of the
default site language, or the user preferred locale parameters.

On the Unicode site, these "good reasons" are mainly absent. There's nothing that marks this particular content as being ipso facto different than any other content on the page.

The only few pages where the Unicode site is multilingual include the "what is Unicode" translation pages. On those pages, one could make an argument for setting keeping that date in English, because it's tightly coupled in the design of the page to the copyright statement, which is not translated.


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