Le 11/11/12 23:25, Frédéric Grosshans a écrit :
Le 11/11/2012 23:08, Doug Ewell a écrit :
Personal opinions follow.

It looks like the only actual use case we have, exemplified by the xkcd strip, is for a star with the left half black and the right half white. There *might* also be a case for the left-white, right-black star.
What is missing in the attachment of Simon Montagu's email http://www.unicode.org/mail-arch/unicode-ml/y2012-m11/0024.html to make it a convincing case for the left-white, right-black star ?

I wonder whether similar half-filled stars would be required for vertically written text. Would a star black above, white below, be required for vertically written Japanese, Mongolian, Sutton, Tangut, Phags-pa, etc.?
Would a star white above, black below, be required for Batak and Hanuno’o?

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