On 12/30/2012 1:22 PM, Costello, Roger L. wrote:
Hi Folks,

I have heard it stated that, in the context of character encoding and decoding:

     Interoperability is getting better.

Do you have data to back up the assertion that interoperability is getting 

The number of times that I receive e-mail or open web sites in other languages or scripts WITHOUT seeing garbled characters or "boxes" has definitely increased for me. That would be my personal observation.

More people are sending me material in other scripts and languages. whether on this list or via social media. "Interoperability" as measured in those terms has clearly improved as well; again, as experienced personally.

I still see the occasional garbled characters, most often because of a Latin-1/Latin-15 mismatch with UTF-8. Interoperability is not perfect. There's also no real reason to continue to create material in those 8-bit sets, especially, if the data is mislabeled as UTF-8 (or sometimes vice versa).

In my experience, the rate of incidence for these appears to be going down as well, but I'm personally not running an actual count. I can imagine that there are places (and software configurations) that expose some users to higher rates of incidence than I am experiencing.

Rather than dissecting general statements such as whether "Interoperability is getting better" or not, it seems more productive to address specific shortcomings of particular content providers or tools.

In the final analysis, what counts is whether users can send and receive text with the lowest possible rate of problems - and if that requires transition away from certain legacy practices, it would be important to focus the energies on making sure that such transition takes place.


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