Le 2012-12-30 à 17:41, Jukka K. Korpela a écrit :

> 2012-12-30 23:22, Costello, Roger L. wrote:
>> I have heard it stated that, in the context of character encoding and 
>> decoding:
>>     Interoperability is getting better.
> Where? It seems that this is what *you* are saying.
>> Do you have data to back up the assertion that interoperability is getting 
>> better?
> Do you?
>> Below is a summary of my understanding of interoperability.
> This seems to revolve around just the encoding of web pages, specifically the 
> problem that sometimes the encoding has not been properly declared.
> I haven’t seen any data on the relative frequency of such problems, and I 
> don’t know what such data would be useful for.
> But in my experience, such problems have been become more common, mainly 
> because people using different encodings. One reason is that people think 
> UTF-8 is favored but don’t quite know how to use it, e.g. declaring UTF-8 but 
> using an authoring tool that does no actually produce UTF-8 encoded data.

not my experience. I agree with Asmus that overall, things are getting better.


> Yucca

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