|On Fri, Sep 13, 2013 at 1:30 AM, Stephan Stiller
 |  Anecdotally people in Germany always tell me of a mythical
 |> parenthesis-bracket-brace hierarchy { [ ( ) ] }, which I've never actually
 |> encountered, and btw even the hierarchy [ ( ) ] isn't used by everyone.

The latter is documented in the Duden, though not as
a «hierarchy», but the «[]» may be used »as explanatory notes when
inside a parenthetical supplement».  (I have forgotten it all, but
used stacked parenthesis for hierarchies all the time unless the
herd instinct made me follow the horde to use ([]).)
I have never seen braces in (non-specialised) German text, nor
heard of it, too.

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On Fri, Sep 13, 2013 at 1:30 AM, Stephan Stiller

  Anecdotally people in Germany always tell me of a mythical
> parenthesis-bracket-brace hierarchy { [ ( ) ] }, which I've never actually
> encountered, and btw even the hierarchy [ ( ) ] isn't used by everyone.
I remember being told about that hierarchy in the Soviet Union in the 1970s
when I was in grade school (I'm not sure if it was a teacher or a parent
who told me) in a theoretical way.


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