On Apr 2, 2014, at 7:19 PM, Asmus Freytag <asm...@ix.netcom.com> wrote:

> On 4/2/2014 1:42 AM, Christopher Fynn wrote:
>> Rather than Emoji it might be better if people learnt Han ideographs
>> which are also compact (and  a far more developed system of
>> communication than emoji). One  CJK character can also easily replace
>> dozens of Latin characters - which is what is being claimed for emoji.
> One wonders why the Japanese, who already know Han ideographs, took to emoji 
> as they did....

All the ancient emoji characters we inherited from our ancestors were already 
turned into Han ideographs like this[1][2], so we needed new ones to add more 
Han ideographs in next centuries ;)

[1] http://ameblo.jp/happy2525tkg/entry-11541848940.html
[2] http://ameblo.jp/happy2525tkg/entry-11578197418.html


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