Hi Pierpaolo Bernardi,

given that you did include my adress as well as the unicode adress I'm doing the same.

On Sun, Feb 8, 2015 at 9:15 PM, Alfred Zett <alfre...@web.de> wrote:
Hello everyone,

is there such a unicode block for programming related codepoints?

Conventional search engines as well as wolfram alpha can't answer that, with
the former one leading to all the programming problems that occur...

If such a block doesn't exist, I'd like to make a proposal - if possible -
to add one with at least the following codepoints/characters:
Once upon a time I would have said that this is out of scope for
Unicode. But now anything goes, so who knows.
That was exactly my thought, so I figured it couldn't harm to have these comfy special characters in there :)
- Indentation codepoint, with no fixed defined graphical representation. For
indentation based programming languages.
-- specific clients may want to show it different (for example as arrows,
lines etc., using another color):
--- browsers could let the web page creator let decide the visual
representation (character and size) via CSS
--- the same with editors, independent from the actual font
--- in case of visual impairment, the user could even change the accoustical
representation if the editor allows it
-- unlike a space symbol, it wouldn't need more than one character per
-- unlike tabs or space, it wouldn't be whitespace
-- unlike normal arrow characters, one could customize the length in an
editor and wouldn't have to insert extra spaces for a better visual imagery
a Tab is exactly what you described.
No. It's only half of what I described.
It's still a typographical character that implies whitespace and may appear everywhere in the text. Custom size behavior (but not too custom) is the only similarity to that indentation character.

- A codepoint for string literal quotes, that would spare one the escaping.
How would this work exactly?
Imagine you type " in your IDE, but because your IDE does know that this new programming language requires this special character as literal token, it replaces it with a special looking quotation mark. Now you are free to type any type of quotation mark until you hit ESC or something which places a closing special quotation mark and your caret right to it. Of course, IDEs could render this without special marks and a different background colour instead; or whatever float the IDE creators boat.

- A statement separator symbol.
What's wrong with ; , . : #  % ^ & and other hundreds of punctuation symbols?
Nothing, they are just semantically not as nice and customizable.

Best regards

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