>> Exact semantics of formatting characters aside, it is best to define plain 
>> text as a stateless stream. The characters you're proposing require a 
>> decoder to keep state, therefore they won't do. <TIC>At most you may ask for
after all, we already have U+0332 COMBINING LOW LINE and U+0336 COMBINING LONG 
STROKE OVERLAY for <u> and <s> resp, thus adding their counterparts for <i> and 
<b> will merely complete the set. </TIC>
So, if that were implemented, then to typeset, say, the word astrolabe within a 
plain text file, in italics, one would need to use nine instances of the 
COMBINING ITALICIZER, one instance after each letter of the word astrolabe.
That would be fine and the characters discussed would be, in my opinion, two 
useful additions to Unicode.
If a two word phrase were to be typeset within a plain text file then each 
letter of the two words would need to have an instance of the COMBINING 
ITALICIZER after each letter of the word. Would one add an instance after the 
space character that is between the words?
William Overington
27 March 2015
Unicode mailing list

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