On Fri, Mar 27, 2015 at 01:00:09PM +0000, William_J_G Overington wrote:
> >> Exact semantics of formatting characters aside, it is best to define plain 
> >> text as a stateless stream. The characters you're proposing require a 
> >> decoder to keep state, therefore they won't do. <TIC>At most you may ask 
> >> for

> after all, we already have U+0332 COMBINING LOW LINE and U+0336 COMBINING 
> LONG STROKE OVERLAY for <u> and <s> resp, thus adding their counterparts for 
> <i> and <b> will merely complete the set. </TIC>

> > COMBINING EMBOLDENER, surely. ;-) 

> So, if that were implemented, then to typeset, say, the word astrolabe within 
> a plain text file, in italics, one would need to use nine instances of the 
> COMBINING ITALICIZER, one instance after each letter of the word astrolabe.
> That would be fine and the characters discussed would be, in my opinion, two 
> useful additions to Unicode.
> If a two word phrase were to be typeset within a plain text file then each 
> letter of the two words would need to have an instance of the COMBINING 
> ITALICIZER after each letter of the word. Would one add an instance after the 
> space character that is between the words?

> 27 March 2015

Guys, it is just a 4 days wait.  Then we can discuss the last question
in depth until a consensus is reached!

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