Can someone help me understand what this means for my rainbow flag proposal?

On Wed, 1 Jul 2015 at 10:02 Philippe Verdy <> wrote:

> I oppose this proposal for the simple reason that it thinks hyphen
> separations are not necessary. Possibly true today but there will be
> extensions in some future needing more than 2 letters or 3 digits in the
> primary subtag. even for iso 3166-2 the regional  subtags are very likely
> to change and without separators the extension,s will become ambiguous
> 2015-07-01 10:15 GMT+02:00 gfb hjjhjh <>:
>>   <>The UTC is
>> considering a proposal to extend the types of flags which can be reliably
>> represented by certain sequences of Unicode characters. In addition to the
>> current mechanism using pairs of regional indicator symbols—already widely
>> implemented—the proposal would use sequences of the TAG characters in the
>> range U+E0030..U+E005A to represent other types of flags. The proposal also
>> provides guidelines to specify valid sequences of TAG characters and how to
>> interpret them. Full details of the proposal are provided in the background
>> document
>> <>
>> .
>> The UTC welcomes feedback on this proposed new mechanism. Feedback could
>> consist of an indication of support or opposition to the proposal, with
>> reasons why, or could consist of suggestions for improvement of the
>> proposal.
>> For further information, please see the Public Review Issues
>> <> page.

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