
Well, "DIS 10646" is the Draft International Standard, particularly Draft 1, from ~1990 or ~1991. (Sometimes it might have been called 10646.1.) Therefore it would likely only be in print form (or printed and scanned form). It's pretty old. What I understand is that Draft 1 got shot down because it was at variance with the nascent Unicode effort; Draft 2 was eventually adopted as ISO 10646:1993, and is equivalent to Unicode 1.1. (10646-1:1993 plus Amendments 5 to 7 = Unicode 2.0.)


On 10/2/2015 10:28 PM, Michel Suignard wrote:
ISO never keeps previous versions of standards. You can look into the wg2 web 
site at that will give you some versions of these documents (Google or 
your favorite search engine will be your friend) although all that may 
disappear any day. If you tell me what you are looking for I can help you. Bear 
in mind that anything that ISO does is copyrighted. Therefore, forget about a 
free online version of DIS 10646 of whatever version you are looking for.
There is a reason that Unicode (all versions still visible, archive up to 2000 
increasingly visible) is a much better source for references.


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