Would a typical Chinese speaker be likely to recognize these as used in 
Cantonese? (I wouldn't want to have a font's sample-text string give the 
impression that it's a Cantonese font — unless it were specifically intended 
for Cantonese.)

-----Original Message-----
From: jenk...@apple.com [mailto:jenk...@apple.com] 
Sent: Monday, November 13, 2017 12:46 PM
To: Peter Constable <peter...@microsoft.com>
Cc: Unicode list <unicode@unicode.org>
Subject: Re: Plane-2-only string

𠆩 𠌥 𠍁 𠓼 𠕄 𠝭 𠝹 𠮨 𠮩 𠯋 𠯦 𠯽 𠰋 𠰲 𠱁 𠱂 𠱃 𠱓 𠱘 𠱥 𠱷 𠱸 𠲜 𠳏 𠳕 𠳖 𠴕 𠴰 𠵇 𠵈 𠵉 𠵩 𠵯 𠵼 𠵾 𠵿 𠶜 𠶧 𠶲 𠸉 

That is an example of forty Cantonese-specific characters which are not obscene 
(that I'm aware of) from Extension B. For the curious, I've appended at the 
bottom the full list of 280 for all of Plane 2 which I was able to pull out of 
the Unihan database. I'm sure some enterprising poet can make something out of 

> On Nov 13, 2017, at 11:20 AM, Peter Constable via Unicode 
> <unicode@unicode.org> wrote:
> I’m wondering if anyone could come up with a string of 15 to 40 characters 
> _using only plane 2 characters_ that wouldn’t be gibberish?
> We are considering adding sample-text strings in some of our fonts. (In 
> OpenType, the ‘name’ table can take sample-text strings using name ID 19.) 
> One particular issue we have is the Simsun-ExtB and MingLiU-ExtB fonts, which 
> have CJK characters from plane 2 only.
> Background:
> The Simsun-ExtB and MingLiU-ExtB fonts are meant to complement the Simsun and 
> MingLiU fonts: the combined glyph count exceeds the number of glyphs that can 
> be added in a single OpenType font, and so the “ExtB” fonts are used to 
> contain all of the Plane 2 characters that are supported. For example, the 
> Simsun font supports 28738 BMP characters, and no plane 2 characters, while 
> Simsun-ExtB supports the Basic Latin block from the BMP plus 47,293 plane 2 
> characters. The combined glyph count exceeds 64K, so can’t go into a single 
> font.
> Peter
> <winmail.dat>

U+201A9         faan2   (Cant.) to play
U+20325         wu1 wu3 (Cant.) to bow, stoop
U+20341         man3    (Cant.) an undesirable situation
U+204FC         sip3    (Cant.) a wedge; to thrust in
U+20544         nap1    (Cant.) 酒𠕄, a dimple
U+2076D         peng2   (Cant.) to fell, cut; to sweep away
U+20779         gaai3   (Cant.) to cut with a knife or scissors
U+20BA8         naai3   (Cant.) to tie, tow; bring along
U+20BA9         aa1 liu1        (Cant.) an interjection; rare, specialized
U+20BCB         jai4 jai5       (Cant.) naughty, inferior
U+20BE6         cai3    (Cant.) to eat, take a meal
U+20BFD         zi1     (Cant.) a final particle indicating affirmation
U+20C0B         jaau1   (Cant.) left-handed
U+20C32         eot1    (Cant.) to belch
U+20C41         tam3    (Cant.) to fool, trick, cheat
U+20C42         dat1    (Cant.) to put something or sit wherever one wishes; to 
rebuke, reproach
U+20C43         nip1    (Cant.) thin, flat; poor
U+20C53         ngai1   (Cant.) to importune, beg
U+20C58         ngaak6  (Cant.) contrary, opposing, against; disobedient
U+20C65         fik1 jit6 we5   (Cant.) wrangling, a noise; fitful; a soft 
fabric with no body
U+20C77         ming1   (Cant.) small
U+20C78         san2 seon2      (Cant.) phonetic
U+20C9C         zaang1  (Cant.) to owe
U+20CCF         ce2 ce6 (Cant.) interjection
U+20CD5         caau3   (Cant.) to search
U+20CD6         dap6    (Cant.) to strike, pound
U+20D15         miu2    (Cant.) to purse the lips; to wriggle
U+20D30         gau6    (Cant.) classifier for a piece or lump of something
U+20D47         keu4    (Cant.) peculiar, strange
U+20D48         mui2    (Cant.) to suck or chew without using the teeth
U+20D49         hong4   (Cant.) hope
U+20D69         go2     (Cant.) that
U+20D6F         gwit1 gwit3     (Cant.) onomatopoetic
U+20D7C         mang1 mang4     (Cant.) scars on the eyelid; phonetic
U+20D7E         waak1   (Cant.) eloquent, sharp-tongued
U+20D7F         pe1 pe5 (Cant.) a pair (from the Engl.); to stagger
U+20D9C         zai3    (Cant.) to do, work; to be willing
U+20DA7         dim6    (Cant.) straight, vertical; OK; to pick up with the 
fingers; verbal aspect marker of successful completion
U+20DB2         gap6 kap6       (Cant.) to stare at; to take a big bite
U+20E09         kak1    (Cant.) to block, obstruct
U+20E0A         tap1    (Cant.) an intensifying particle
U+20E0E         naa1    (Cant.) and, with
U+20E0F         ge2     (Cant.) final particle
U+20E10         kam1    (Cant.) to endure, last
U+20E11         soek3   (Cant.) soft, sodden
U+20E12         bou2    (Cant.) 生𠸒人, a stranger
U+20E3A         ngaak6  (Cant.) contrary, opposing
U+20E6D         ko1     (Cant.) to call (Engl. loan-word)
U+20E73         git6    (Cant.) thick, viscous, dense
U+20E77         ngo4    (Cant.) to speak tirelessly
U+20E78         kam2    (Cant.) to cover, close up
U+20E7A         maai4   (Cant.) verbal aspect marker for comletion or movement 
U+20E7B         zam6    (Cant.) classifier for smells
U+20E8C         gwe1    (Cant.) timid
U+20E98         long1 long2     (Cant.) hard to get along with; to rinse, 
spread thin
U+20E9D         gaak3   (Cant.) final particle
U+20EA2         gaa1 gaa2       (Cant.) final particle
U+20EAA         he3 hi1 (Cant.) in a rush; slovenly
U+20EAB         leu1    (Cant.) strange, peculiar
U+20EAC         he2     (Cant.) final particle
U+20ED7         le4     (Cant.) imperative final particle
U+20ED8         zeot6   (Cant.) sound of eating (onomatopoetic)
U+20EF4         long2   (Cant.) to rinse
U+20EFA         aa6     (Cant.) final particle
U+20EFB         bai3    (Cant.) noise, clamor
U+20F15         paai2   (Cant.) a suffix indicating time
U+20F2D         but1    (Cant.) sound of a car-horn (onomatopoetic)
U+20F2E         ngai1 ngi1      (Cant.) to urge, importune; a lie, fib
U+20F31         loe1 loe2       (Cant.) to spit out; to pester, nag
U+20F4C         syut3   (Cant.) sound of something rushing by
U+20F52         neng2   (Cant.) classifier for hats
U+20F64         kik1    (Cant.) to block, obstruct; head; phonetic
U+20F8D         he3     (Cant.) to flick something off in a disorderly way
U+20F8F         ce1     (Cant.) interjection
U+20FAD         we5     (Cant.) soft fabric with no body
U+20FB4         baang4 baang6   (Cant.) phonetic
U+20FB5         zaa1    (Cant.) final particle
U+20FBC         cyut1 cyut6     (Cant.) phonetic
U+20FEA         gaa2    (Cant.) final particle
U+20FEB         saau4   (Cant.) shabby
U+20FEC         soe4    (Cant.) ignorant
U+20FED         wet1    (Cant.) to go somewhere to have a good time
U+2101D         nam6    (Cant.) sound asleep
U+2101E         zip1    (Cant.) a Jeep; to wave, beckon
U+21020         bei6    or; emphatic particle; (Cant.) particle implying doubt
U+21029         lok1    (Cant.) onomatopoetic
U+2104F         am1 ngam1       (Cant.) soft rice or food for a baby
U+2105C         wo5     (Cant.) particle to close a quote
U+2106F         dyut1   (Cant.) to pout
U+21075         gan2    (Cant.) aspect marker for continuous action
U+21076         zit1    (Cant.) to scratch an itch
U+21077         doeng1  (Cant.) a sharp point; to peck
U+21078         kwaat1  (Cant.) a circle, ring
U+2107B         ziu1    (Cant.) to beat someone up
U+21088         buk6    (Cant.) to lie prone; to bend over
U+21096         lai2    (Cant.) unrestrained
U+2109D         zuk6    (Cant.) to choke and cough
U+210C0         e4 nge4 (Cant.) a musical instrument
U+210C1         leng1   (Cant.) member of a triad; young
U+210C7         bai6    (Cant.) exclamation
U+210C8         kwaak1 kwaak3   (Cant.) a lasso; a circle, frame
U+210C9         gaa3    (Cant.) final particle
U+210CF         doe6    (Cant.) to droop, hang down
U+210D3         bo3     (Cant.) final particle for emphasis
U+210E4         laai6   (Cant.) to leave behind, omit
U+210F4         ceoi4   (Cant.) smell, odor
U+210F5         ngung1 ngung2   (Cant.) to cover, bury; push from behind
U+210F6         sek3    (Cant.) to like, love; to kiss
U+2111F         haa1    (Cant.) onomatopoetic, the sound of panting
U+2112F         jik1    (Cant.) hiccough
U+21135         ji1     (Cant.) to grin, laugh
U+2113D         soe4    (Cant.) to slide down
U+21148         laa3    (Cant.) a particle implying completion, certainty, or 
U+2114F         lai2    (Cant.) to accuse, slander; to turn, sprain
U+21180         gwang2  (Cant.) special relationship
U+21187         wok1    (Cant.) a watt (Engl. loan-word)
U+211D9         doe4    (Cant.) round and full
U+21681         bai6    used-up, malpractices; (Cant.) bad, vile, corrupt
U+21731         gei2    to envy, to be angry with; (Cant.) pregnant
U+2197C         me1     (Cant.) to carry on the back
U+21C2A         duk1    (Cant.) end, bottom, rump
U+21CAC         gwat6   (Cant.) blunt
U+220C7         lei5    (Cant.) a sail
U+22208         nap1    (Cant.) dimple
U+22605         maau4   (Cant.) flurried, flustered; arbitrariliy
U+22696         ti4     (Cant.) intensifier
U+226F4         mang2   (Cant.) annoyed, impatient, restless
U+226F5         zang2   (Cant.) annoyed, irritated
U+22775         fit1    (Cant.) 花𢝵, to be fashionable
U+227B5         fit1    (Cant.) to brush, whisk
U+22803         geng6   (Cant.) to guard against; to take precautions
U+22939         goe4    (Cant.) satisfied, comfortable
U+22982         laan2   (Cant.) to brag, praise oneself
U+22A66         zit1    (Cant.) to squeeze out (as from a tube); to tickle
U+22ACF         kam2    (Cant.) to cover
U+22AD5         wing1 wing6     (Cant.) to throw away
U+22AE8         ngung2  (Cant.) to push from behind
U+22AEB         lat1    (Cant.) to rub
U+22B3F         kaai2 kaai5     (Cant.) sections or wedges (as of fruit); to 
take in the hand; to use
U+22B43         dau3 dau6       (Cant.) to touch; to bump into; to take, get, 
receive; to lightly support something with the hand
U+22B91         luk1    (Cant.) classifier for lengths of cylindrically shaped 
U+22BCA         dik1    (Cant.) determination, resolution
U+22BCE         ngaau1  (Cant.) to scratch
U+22C38         wo5     (Cant.) rotten, bad, spoiled
U+22C51         waa2    (Cant.) to scratch
U+22C55         dap6    (Cant.) to beat, poud; to get drenched
U+22C62         saak3   to select; (Cant.) a wedge of a fruit such as an orange
U+22CA1         laa2 naa1       (Cant.) to grab with the hands; and, with
U+22CA9         kap1    (Cant.) to affix a chop or seal to a document
U+22CB5         cou5    (Cant.) to save up (money), to save up bit-by-bit
U+22CB7         ngaau1  to search; (Cant.) to scratch
U+22CB8         lou1    (Cant.) to shake violently, stir; to strip
U+22CC2         bat1 pat1       (Cant.) to scoop up, ladle out
U+22CC6         ngou4 ngou6     (Cant.) to shake, rattle
U+22D08         daat3   (Cant.) to throw down, fall down
U+22D12         paang1  (Cant.) to chase, drive away
U+22D44         cou5    (Cant.) to save up (money)
U+22D4C         deoi2   (Cant.) to goad, incite
U+22D53         paang1  (Cant.) to rush; chase someone out, drive out
U+22D67         gaan3   (Cant.) to draw lines
U+22D8D         saap3   (Cant.) garbage
U+22D9C         ngung2  (Cant.) to push; pull open
U+22DA0         saau4   (Cant.) to take without asking
U+22DA4         loe2    (Cant.) to pester, nag; to wallow; to roll around on 
the floor
U+22DAF         maan1   (Cant.) to pull, turn
U+22DEE         deoi2   (Cant.) to poke, nudge; stretch out
U+22E51         zaang6  (Cant.) to widen with force
U+22E8B         naan3   (Cant.) to stitch together, quilt
U+22F74         duk1    (Cant.) to poke, jab
U+233F4         jan4    (Cant.) a kind of fruit
U+233FE         dak6    (J) non-standard variant of 材 U+6750, material, stuff; 
timber; talent; (Cant.) a peg, row of pegs
U+23528         kang3   (Cant.) to be entangled, twisted; (of alcohol and 
tobacco) to be strong
U+23595         peng1   (Cant.) the back of a chair for one to lean against
U+2361A         seot1   (Cant.) a bar; to bolt, lock
U+23695         jaap3   (Cant.) to wave, beckon with the hand
U+236BA         hong2 hong6     (Cant.) a young chicken
U+239C2         laai5   (Cant.) untidy
U+23CB7         nap6    (Cant.) sticky; not smooth; slow
U+23CFC         doe4    (Cant.) salivating
U+241A3         saap6   (Cant.) to cook in boiling water
U+24292         luk6    (Cant.) to scald with boiling water
U+2430D         hok3    (Cant.) to fry
U+245C8         sip3    (Cant.) to squeeze in, to stuff in
U+24674         caau1   (Cant.) gore
U+2472F         kap6    (Cant.) to bite
U+24DB8         naa1    (Cant.) a scar
U+24DC7         wak6    (Cant.) severe pain
U+24DEA         mang2   (Cant.) impatient, restless
U+24DEB         cek3 cik1       (Cant.) a prickling pain, ache
U+24E3B         naa1    (Cant.) a scar, scab; and, with
U+24E50         lit3    (Cant.) a knot
U+24EA7         zang2   (Cant.) annoyed
U+24FC2         saai4   (Cant.) unattractive, pale
U+24FEA         zaap3   (Cant.) wrinkled, crumpled
U+2502C         jim2    (Cant.) a scar
U+25052         ngaau4  (Cant.) warped
U+2510E         cik1    (Cant.) to pull, lift up
U+2512B         gap6    (Cant.) to stare, peep at
U+25148         laap3   (Cant.) to look, scan
U+25160         hau1    (Cant.) to fix one's eyes on, gaze at
U+2517E         zong1   (Cant.) to peek or peep at
U+251E3         gwat6   (Cant.) to glance
U+25232         kip1    (Cant.) to keep a close eye on, to control
U+25236         nam6    (Cant.) sound asleep
U+2528C         caau4   (Cant.) wrinkled, folded, creased, crumpled
U+25299         zong1   (Cant.) to peep at, look at secretly
U+252C7         caang3  (Cant.) to open the eyes wide
U+252D8         saau4   (Cant.) to swep the eyes over something
U+2531B         lai6    (Cant.) to gaze greedily at
U+25531         sin3    (Cant.) to slip
U+2553F         ham2    (Cant.) classifier for cannons, large guns, etc.
U+25945         lung1   (Cant.) a hole, hollow; cavity
U+259F9         tam5    (Cant.) puddle
U+25E49         nap6    (Cant.) sticky
U+26097         sok3    (Cant.) to tighten
U+260A5         dam3    (Cant.) to drop down
U+26258         caang1  (Cant.) a cooking pot, cooker
U+265BF         dap1    (Cant.) to hang down; to lower one's head
U+26629         paa4    (Cant.) chin
U+26696         zaap3   (Cant.) to wink
U+2688A         pok1    (Cant.) blister
U+26893         mak6    (Cant.) mole on skin
U+26926         hot3    (Cant.) a smell, scent
U+269F2         loe1 loe2       (Cant.) to dribble, spit; to pester, nag
U+269FA         laai2 laai5     (Cant.) to lick, lap up
U+26A88         ngou3   (Cant.) to kneel
U+26ED0         zaau3   (Cant.) to fry in oil
U+27285         gwaai2  (Cant.) frog, toad
U+272B6         doe3    (Cant.) insect sting
U+272CA         saa1    (Cant.) a large butterfly
U+272E6         mei1    (Cant.) a dragonfly; a small boat without a sail
U+27307         bang1   (Cant.) a large butterfly
U+27574         naan3   (Cant.) a pimple, an insect bite
U+27639         taai1   (Cant.) a necktie
U+27685         long6   (Cant.) crotch
U+27694         tung2   (Cant.) a kind of skirt
U+2775E         gei1    (Cant.) 卡𧝞, khaki
U+2789D         lai6    (Cant.) to stare angrily
U+278C8         caau1   (Cant.) to gore
U+2797A         kwan1   (Cant.) to fool, deceive, hoodwink
U+279A0         ngaak1  (Cant.) to deceive
U+279DD         ngaa6   (Cant.) 𧧝𧨊, to bar the way, obstruct
U+27A0A         zaa6    (Cant.) 𧧝𧨊, to bar the way, obstruct
U+27A3E         tam3    (Cant.) to fool, trick, cheat
U+27D2F         me1     (Cant.) to carry on the back
U+27D84         zaang1  (Cant.) to owe
U+27ED9         mut6    (Cant.) 轉灣𧻙角, not straightforward
U+27FD2         dam6    (Cant.) to stamp (one's foot)
U+27FEB         tau2    (Cant.) to have a rest
U+28023         kei2    (Cant.) a home, house
U+28024         leoi1   (Cant.) to suddenly fall or drop down
U+28048         gaang3  (Cant.) to ford, wade
U+28090         leoi1   (Cant.) to suddenly fall or drop down
U+280BD         dam6    (Cant.) to stamp the foot
U+280BE         naam3   (Cant.) to step across
U+280E9         sin3    (Cant.) to slip, slide
U+2814F         laam3   (Cant.) to step over, step across
U+2815D         jaang3  (Cant.) to press down or out with the foot; to kick; to 
tread on
U+281AA         jaang3  (Cant.) to press down or push out with the foot
U+281AF         buk6    (Cant.) to lie prone, bend over
U+28207         laam3   (Cant.) to step over, step across
U+28256         nei1 ni1        (Cant.) to hide oneself
U+2827C         wu3     (Cant.) to stoop, bow
U+2829B         laak3   (Cant.) nude, naked
U+282CD         wan1 wen1       (Cant.) a van
U+282E2         lip1    (Cant.) an elevator (from the British 'lift')
U+28B4C         baang1 paang1   (Cant.) bang; pan (Eng. loanwords)
U+294E5         ngok6   (Cant.) to raise the head
U+295F4         bung6   (Cant.) classifier for odors
U+29720         mam1 ngam1      (Cant.) soft rice for a small child
U+2994B         au6 ngau6       to gallop wildly; (Cant.) stupid
U+29A4D         peng1   (Cant.) ribs, rib-cage
U+29B0E         jam1 jam4       (Cant.) bangs (hair)
U+2A400         naa1    (Cant.) relationship; together
U+2A4AC         nung1   (Cant.) burned
U+2A601         kap6    (Cant.) to bite
U+2A632         ji1     (Cant.) to grin, smile
U+2A65B         nak1    (Cant.) decayed teeth; tongue-tied
U+2A6A9         gwi1    (Cant.) sound of shouting
U+2F907         baan6   (Cant.) mud, mire

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