When I'm looking at https://unicode.org/Public/emoji/11.0/emoji-sequences.txt
It goes on line 16 that: ---------- # type_field: any of {Emoji_Combining_Sequence, Emoji_Flag_Sequence, Emoji_Modifier_Sequence} # The type_field is a convenience for parsing the emoji sequence files, and is not intended to be maintained as a property. ---------- This field, however, actually contains "Emoji_Keycap_Sequence" and "Emoji_Tag_Sequence", instead of "Emoji_Combining_Sequence" (it was already so in 5.0). And I go back to http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr51/ Under the section 1.4.6: ---------- ED-21. emoji keycap sequence set — The specific set of emoji sequences listed in the emoji-sequences.txt file [emoji-data] under the category Emoji_Keycap_Sequence. ED-22. emoji modifier sequence set — The specific set of emoji sequences listed in the emoji-sequences.txt file [emoji-data] under the category Emoji_Modifier_Sequence. ED-23. RGI emoji flag sequence set — The specific set of emoji sequences listed in the emoji-sequences.txt file [emoji-data] under the category Emoji_Flag_Sequence. ED-24. RGI emoji tag sequence set — The specific set of emoji sequences listed in the emoji-sequences.txt file [emoji-data] under the category Emoji_Tag_Sequence. ---------- I'm not sure if the "category" means "type_field" or headings in the txt file, as the headings do not contain underscores. If it means "type_field", then the description of type_field above is wrong. Also the section 1.4.5: ---------- ED-14c. emoji keycap sequence — A sequence of the following form: emoji_keycap_sequence := [0-9#*] \x{FE0F 20E3} - These characters are in the emoji-sequences.txt file listed under the category Emoji_Keycap_Sequence ---------- While in the previous version (rev. 12): ---------- ED-14c. emoji keycap sequence — An emoji combining sequence of the following form: emoji_keycap_sequence := [0-9#*] \x{FE0F 20E3} - These characters are in the emoji-sequences.txt file listed under the category Emoji_Combining_Keycap_Sequence ---------- It seems there was some kind of confusion on terms, but anyway, isn't the last line of ED-14c redundant with the current revision? (Or "Emoji_Combining_Sequence" is intended?) Thank you. Wang Yifan