But this behaviour is desirable. It is desirable to be able to select a 
Georgian word and to 

The only thing that seems to annoy people is that modern Georgian doesn’t do 
titlecasing. But that is orthographic, and automatic titlecasing doesn’t work 
properly anyway. French rules and English rules differ. “The Fellowship of the 
Ring” is acceptable in English. “The Fellowship Of The Ring” is not.

Michael Everson

> On 28 Jul 2018, at 18:01, Kent Karlsson <kent.karlsso...@telia.com> wrote:
> I know it is too late now, but... Could have added the characters,
> without adding the case mappings. Just as it was done for the LATIN
> CAPITAL LETTER SHARP S (ẞ), where the proper case mapping was relegated
> to "special purpose software" (or just a special setting in common
> software). The (proper) case-mapping for ẞ is nowhere to be found the
> Unicode database (which I think is a pity, but that is a different matter).
> I think "specialcasing.txt" is not really maintained anymore, but I'll
> disregard that here.
> One could add a special-casing for each modern Georgian lowercase letter
> to (continue to) uppercase-map to itself (for the Georgian language at
> least).
> /Kent K
> Den 2018-07-28 15:26, skrev "Michael Everson via Unicode"
> <unicode@unicode.org>:
>> Mtavruli could not be represented in the UCS before we added these 
>> characters.
>> Now it can. 
>> Michael Everson
>>> On 28 Jul 2018, at 14:10, Richard Wordingham via Unicode
>>> <unicode@unicode.org> wrote:
>>> On Sat, 28 Jul 2018 01:45:53 +0000
>>> Peter Constable via Unicode <unicode@unicode.org> wrote:
>>>> (iii) gave
>>>> indication of intent to develop a plan of action for preparing their
>>>> institutions for this change as well as communicating that within
>>>> Georgian industry and society. It was only after that did UTC feel it
>>>> was viable to proceed with encoding Mtavruli characters.
>>> It is dangerous to rely on declarations of intent when making
>>> irreversible decisions.  The UTC should have learnt that from the
>>> Mongolian mess.
>>> Richard.

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