On Thu, 17 Jan 2019 18:35:49 +0100
Marcel Schneider via Unicode <unicode@unicode.org> wrote:

> Among the grievances, Unicode is blamed for confusing Greek psili and
> dasia with comma shapes, and for misinterpreting Latin letter forms
> such as the u with descender taken for a turned h, and double u
> mistaken for a turned m, errors that subsequently misled font
> designers to apply misplaced serifs.

And I suppose that the influence was so great that it travelled back in
time to 1976, affecting the typography of the Pelican book 'Phonetics'
as reprinted in 1976.

Those IPA characters originated in a tradition where new characters had
been derived by rotating other characters so as to avoid having to have
new type cut.  Misplaced serifs appear to be original.


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