> > I sent this query to Michael Everson directly on Feb. 19 but did not hear 
> > anything back. I assume that he was too busy to respond, perhaps I even 
> > broke some unwritten rule of etiquette, for which I apologize; so I am 
> > hoping that someone on the mailing list knows the answer instead. 
> I’m fairly sure you could have asked your question without this irritating 
> paragraph. 

Sorry once again. Yes I certainly could have. Thank you very much for 
explaining why capital forms are added for characters like this, I understand 
now why they are useful to have. I apologize for my former ignorance on this 

> Draw it as you wish. Most likely it will be the same shape as your lower-case 
> one, adjusted to fit caps height. 

As I'm working on a blackletter font, it's unfortunately not this easy. It 
seems like there is no blackletter style for the capital form from the 
period...so I'll have to perhaps either (A) leave it empty, assuming users of 
my font would never attempt to typeset a Ꝭ in blackletter but would choose e.g. 
Junicode instead, (B) look at examples in the Roman style and make up my own 
glyph as I've already done for Greek and Cyrillic, or (C) just make the glyph 
an "IS" ligature as I've already done for e.g. LATIN CAPITAL LIGATURE IJ 

If anyone has any idea or example glyph from the period I'd love to see it, but 
I doubt such exists :-)

Thank you all for your clarifications of the standard.

Fredrick Brennan

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