On 2019-12-17 12:50 AM, Shriramana Sharma via Unicode wrote:
I would have gone and filed this as a LibreOffice bug since that's the
software I use most, but when I found this is a cross-software
problem, I thought it would be best to have this discussed and
documented here (and in a future version of the standard).
There's a bug report for the LibreOffice application here...
...which shows an interesting history of the situation.

One issue is whether to be Unicode compliant or MS-Word compliant. MS-Word had apparently corrected the bug with Word 2013 but had reverted to the incorrect behavior by the time Word 2016 rolled out.  On that page it's noted that applications like InDesign, Firefox, TeX, and QuarkXPress handle U+00A0 correctly.

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