Dear Unicode list members (CC Michel Suignard),

  the Unicode proposal L2/20-068 <>, “Revised draft for the encoding of an extended Egyptian Hieroglyphs repertoire, Groups A to N” ( ) by Michel Suignard contains a very interesting hieroglyph at position *U+13579 EGYPTIAN HIEROGLYPH A-12-054, which seems to represent a man with a laptop, as can be obvious in the attached image.

  I am curious about the source of this hieroglyph: in the table acompannying the document, its sources are said to be “Hieroglyphica extension (various sources)” with number A58C and “Hornung & Schenkel (2007, last modified in 2015)”, but with no number (A;), which seems unique in the table. It leads me to think this glyph only exist in some modern font, either as a joke, or for some computer related modern use. Can anyone infirm or confirm this intuition ?


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