At 22:09 2. 11. 2003.nt Convertedž¢º, Rett wrote:


Thanks for that. I do not know whether that was in any way an answer to
the bit that I recently wrote to the list, but it certainly does effectively answer
some of my points and questions about Unicon. .

I have just find it. So, it is fourth language that continue Icon tradition (Unicon, Godiva, Wrapl and now Converge) as far as I know, all of them relatively new (and some that are 'influenced' by Icon like C# or Python).

I think Unicon is good for many purposes, especially those more "adventurous", independent of business dictate; it is multi-conceptual and has good potential for extensions, both in lower and higher levels. I use it primarily for one automated theorem proving program, and beside some implementation, garbage collection problems, language very good serves its purpose, I'm significantly more efficient than I was in C++. Finally, it is still beta, there was no release yet, right.

Kazimir Majorinc, Zagreb, Croatia

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