We've been seeing a kernel panic under high traffic conditions when
trying to reorder/mode-change the branches on a unionfs mount where the
base branch is NFS.  The error message in the panic seems to indicate
that it's attempting to unmount the NFS partition, but that doesn't make
a lot of sense.

Information about the issue including kernel panic logs and the versions
of kernels and unionfs we've tried is available at

Some basic information about what we're trying to pull off and how it's
set up is at
http://www.justdave.net/dave/2007/10/22/stagemo-shift-reloaded/ with the
main difference from that description being that the chroot environment
directories are now bind-mounted on top instead of as a branch within
the unionfs mount, because of issues I'm assuming having to do with the
/dev and /proc directories being buried inside a unionfs layer (I
imagine copyup doesn't play well with /dev nodes :) )

I have a test case set up where I can reliably reproduce this after a
few hours of copying data in and out into the staging area, so if anyone
has patches to try I can find out in a day or so if they help. :)

Thanks in advance for any help!

Dave Miller                                   http://www.justdave.net/
System Administrator, Mozilla Corporation      http://www.mozilla.com/
Project Leader, Bugzilla Bug Tracking System  http://www.bugzilla.org/
unionfs mailing list: http://unionfs.filesystems.org/

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