Certainly the schools need improvements and despite the many classes
that are wonderful, far too many are not.  There is no magic bullet, if
there was one anywhere in the country to fix big city schools surely
we'd know.

Money isn't the whole answer either, but paying teachers more thus
making the profession more important, along with reducing class size and
above all having exellent principals who really know how to make a
school perform is a starting place.

No complaints about the School District, however, excuses the secretive,
way in which the Governor and State Legislature snuck the amendments

It is simply unacceptable for Edison Schools, Inc. to run schools and
also be governing them.  This leaves it  to control itself with no
accountability by public officials who represent us taxpayers!

Two local legislators,
Senator Tony Williams (717-787-5970 or 215-662-5519) and
Rep. Mike Horsey (717-783-1491 or 215-747-0757)voted for the
amendments.  They should hear your opposition to their sneaky vote.

After all the months of what the city government thought were above
board negotiations with the state, this was really a disgraceful action.

The Mayor spoke out strongly against the passing of the amendment-- Call

and thank him for representing the people of Philadelphia on this issue
encourage him to take a strong stand in favor of the local control of
schools: 215-686-2250

Now let's see if the public even gets to see the Edison report.

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