On Monday, March 24, 2003, at 10:09 PM, John Salmon wrote:

Here are a couple of recent articles that I thought would be of interest. Richard Perle is one of the co-architects of the US's new doctrine of pre-emptive deterrence. The American Enterprise Institute is the "neoconservative" think tank that has shaped much of US foreign policy in the current administration.


You'll notice that even Perle doesn't have the guts to confront the inherent racism of the UN.

But one must wonder why the UN does not care about, nor take any action to prevent, the massive genocides which have been taking place in Africa in recent years. (Not that the US media provides much coverage of them either, they're kept hushed up for some reason. You have to read about them in places like the Economist.)

I guess it is the same NIMBY doctrine which applies to black on black crime in the cities. As long as the Security Council has its say, the UN will never use force to prevent one tribe from wiping out another.

William H. Magill

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