Title: Re: [UC] housing for older years
Even though I am quite a ways away from retiring, I have been thinking a lot about housing opportunities and creating community in this neighborhood that I love. I have been doing a good bit of reading about co-housing and have visited a number of co-housing communities - "N Street" in Davis, CA being the only urban one. The residents there bought up an entire block, one house at a time, took down the fences that separated their yards and created a large community green space behind their houses. There is a garden with plots for each of the households that want one, plenty of space for children to run and play, safety because to enter the space, you have to go through a house and out the back door, and each house had control of what the space directly behind their home looks like so there is individuality, too. One of the houses is run a a community space for meetings and art studio/work space, community dinners in the community kitchen (with a community outdoor patio and BBQ grill) and rooms for transitional people visiting the community or in the process of purchasing their own property in the community. The block is run like a corporation where you buy a share into the community when you buy your house. The money is used for community improvements and events - all controlled by the shareholders in the community. There are many generations and differences in interests among the people but, for the most part, it works because there is a balance of community and privacy (as each home is still individually owned). It has also successfully worked in Europe (Denmark, Sweden, Germany, etc.).  I am curious if anyone else has an interest in creating something like this in UCity. I think this would be the ideal place to raise a family and to retire to.


White Dog Cafe                   
3420 Sansom St, Philadelphia, PA 19104                 
(215) 386-9224 x105                

The Black Cat Gift Shop
3426 Sansom St, Philadelphia, PA 19104

Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2003 19:30:13 EST
Subject: [UC] housing for older years

I guess because I just had another birthday, I was once again thinking about
the problem of getting older and feeling safe living in this neighborhood I
love. I'm thinking that when I'm 70 or 75, or maybe before, my housemate and
I may no longer feel safe living in our big old house on 49th St.
I always fantasized about living in the beautiful house at 48th and
Springfield, with a group of older friends, when I reached that age. It has
that wonderful, round, enclosed porch to sit on. However, Ellie and her
husband have bought it and done such lovely renovations, and they might not
be open to the idea of an old folks home in the future.
Yesterday I was walking, and there it was! The beautiful apartment building
at 48th and Warrington. I can just imagine living on the second floor with
that great porch overlooking 48th St. I'm sorry to talk so enviously about a
place that many people currently call home, but I'm talking about 10 or 15
years in the future. Wouldn't it make great condominiums? And not necessarily
for only older people?
There is Warrington Community Garden across the street, and a great selection
of restaurants within one block, stores, Davis Pharmacy, the trolley,
Mariposa, barbers, St. Francis DeSales and Calvary with its cultural events.
Has anyone else been thinking about their senior years, and worrying about
living in their big old house, with its never-ending need for upkeep and
renovations? Does anyone else have any good ideas?
Jo Ann
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