Title: Bartender
I just saw this ad on a local bullitien board. Just thought we should all  know about neighborhood business and exploitive attitudes.
philadelphia.craigslist.org > retail/food jobs > Bartender
last modified: Sat, 22 Nov 20:07

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Reply to: see below (posted by an @yahoo.com address)
Date: 2003-11-21, 8:09PM

This bartending position is for young women only.
You need to be attractive and must be willing to dress real sexy.
The bar is an ethiopian restaurant/bar and our customers consist of mostly dirty old men and underage college students.
You must be willing to accept rude sexual advances from the customers.
Men need not apply.
No experience necesary.
Apply in person and dress to impress.
Gojjo Bar
4540 Baltimore Ave

Principals only. Recruiters, please don't contact this job poster.
Phone calls about this job are ok.
Please do not contact job poster about other services, products or commercial interests.
Reposting this message elsewhere is NOT OK.
this is in or around 4540 Baltimore Avenue


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