FoCP invites you (or a friend of yours) to submit a design for a new logo for the organization. The new design will be used on stationery, website, T-shirts and other materials. Several designs may be selected for different purposes. A prize of up to $100 will be awarded to the winning design.
Winning entries will be designs that visually represent FoCP and its work, and that celebrate Clark Park. Components could include its many trees, its Victorian surroundings, its monuments and its diverse users. However, our name, "Friends of Clark Park," must be a primary element of the design.
Designs may be in full color. However, logos must be fully effective in two colors or in black and white, or include a b&w version. Complete specifications for the design and the contest will be posted on the FoCP website,, by Jan. 19.
To get an entry form and specs, or to have them mailed to you, email Todd Sandler ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) or write to FoCP, Box 31908, Philadelphia, PA 19104. They will also be on hand at the University City Arts League and at the Green Line Cafe. Submission deadline is April 15, 2004.
-- Tony West

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