-- An important fact we all need to keep in mind is that only 18% of the properties in the proposed Spruce Hill Historic District are owned by single families. All other properties are owned/controlled by developers and landlords. That's less than one out of five. We can fight over the facts and nuances of period designation, paint colors, spindles, slate, etc. but except for zoning, historic designation, is the only other city program that has the ability to give such a minority some control over what happens to a neighborhood as unique as ours.

Doubtful. As Jim certainly knows, historic designation would put that control not in the hands of the 18% minority of homeowners, but the PHC. Those homeowners would be as without a say in preservation policy as anyone else.

This business about giving us homeowners "control" is nonsense. The only people it'll empower are busybodies who are itching to send the city after their neighbors.

Do we really believe that the majority of other 82% cares at all what happens to Spruce Hill outside of making money for themselves? This is a prime rental area and it always will be no matter what their buildings look like. They don't want anyone, not just you and me, telling them what to do.

Who do you all think is keeping this battle going for so long? THE 82%!!

Here we have yet another example of the scare tactics employed by the advocates of HD. They cannot believe that people could possibly oppose the HD in good faith: they continually claim that opposition is the domain of landlords, speculators, and carpetbaggers of all stripes. (Considering that neither Sharrieff nor I are landlords, and that the initial opposition to the HD came out of the decidedly non-capitalism Neighbors Against McPenntrification, one wonders if th advocates even _bother_ doing research.)

Here's something to ponder -- a local handyman (who shall remain nameless at his request, for fear of retribution) told me about a year ago that when he asked a local landlord why he was putting metal siding on his facades covering up the original siding and some victorian detail instead of painting, replied, "What do I care, I won't be here in ten years!"

Gee whiz, Jim, I can make up tales like that too. "Here's something to ponder, too: a local ---, who shall remain nameless for fear of retribution, told me about a year ago that the SHCA had bribed the PHC." or "told me Jannie Blackwell was bribed by Al Krigman to present her bill," or "told me a year ago that Michael Karp started this whole thing to drive up the prics of his properties." I prefer to discuss facts Jim, not wild rumors and terror-tales.

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