Regarding Ray's detailed email showing the <<historic district called the west philadelphia streetcar
suburb historic district. look how big it was>> apparently shrinking to an area roughly similar to the Alexander School's catchment area <<later (november 2001), it was announced that uchs and shca
had joined forces to nominate the spruce hill historic district>>:

Sorry to keep sending clarifying emails, but the conspiracy theories are multiplying! The West Philadelphia Streetcar Suburb NATIONAL REGISTER HISTORIC DISTRICT is alive and well, in its large size! See the UCHS web site page on historic districts -

None of this had anything to do with the Alexander School, and all of this predates the Alexander School.

sorry to be clarifying clarifications and nipping multiplying conspiracy theories in the bud, but I'm not saying that the west philadelphia streetcar suburb district was abandoned, or shrunken to become the spruce hill historic district.

I'm pointing out that in 2001, according to the uchs website, uchs and shca worked together ("in collaboration," as mike hardy puts it) to nominate the spruce hill historic district. and that this spruce hill historic district is smaller than ("only a portion of," as hardy puts it) the streetcar district.

and I'm pointing out that this spruce hill historic district is located in an area that now neatly overlaps the catchment area.

in 1998 uchs and shca were asked by penn to assist with the planning of the penn-assisted school; in 2000 a catchment area for the new penn-assisted school was drawn and shca supported it, in opposition to uccc; in 2001 uchs and shca joined forces to nominate the spruce hill historic district.

[aka ray]

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