On 10 Sep, 2004, at 16:42, S. Sharrieff Ali wrote:
It is my belief that the lighting on the blocks
should be changed to the turn-of-the-century
pole style lights that are in center city and on
40th Street. The lighting on most blocks work
so poorly because it puts most of the light on
the "street" where the cars are. If you drive in
the rural areas you know that you don't need a
tremendous amount of light on the "street",
the cars provide enough. You do however
need it on the "sidewalks".

I could not agree more.

The "city of today" was designed strictly for the
automobile. There is zero accommodation for the pedestrian.

It took Federal legislation to get the "curb cuts" in place
which allow wheeled vehicles (from bikes and wheelchairs
to shopping carts) to navigate intersections.

Most of the new Center City lighting is also in recognition
of the fact that the "goosenecks" really are pretty

The city overhang style lights provide little
support to the sidewalks.

By design, they provide NO light for the sidewalks.

Any light which they provide to the sidewalks,
especially where trees exist, is purely "spill."

Blocks could contribute money if necessary or pursue

This would undoubtedly lead to the situation which exists on the Market-South Street bridges -- ugly goosenecks, apparently mandated by the state, rear their ugliness above the ornate lighting which was donated to the city.



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