Title: Message
That was my reaction as well.  However, what do we know about this group?  Do they really get money out of this?
And--how different is this from the hundreds of emails I've been deleting from MoveOn? (I consider them spam because I didn't ask to be added to their list, although I agree with their cause.)
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, November 05, 2004 3:55 PM
Subject: RE: [UC] re: our job is not over...

This is VERY scary.
-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of S. Sharrieff Ali
Sent: Friday, November 05, 2004 3:17 PM
To: UnivCity listserv
Subject: [UC] re: our job is not over...

FYI..just in.




132f59a.jpg KERRY DEFEATED!

But Our Job Is Not Over!
We were successful.

John Kerry, the most liberal member of the entire U.S. Senate, went down to defeat yesterday. It was so decisive, he didn't even have the opportunity to litigate the "provisional" ballots in

YOU had a great part in that. Thanks to your support, RightMarch.com and the RightMarch PAC were able to get emails to over ONE MILLION PEOPLE in the final days of the campaign, urging them to get out the vote of their families, their friends, their neighbors... join in on phone banks... and join the "72 Hour Task Force" to DEFEAT John Kerry.

We sent HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of emails to the "swing states", URGING our members to get out and vote for President Bush, to make sure Kerry's supporters in leftist groups like MoveOn.org were NOT successful in getting their far-left candidate into the White House.

Our newspaper and radio ads exposing Dan Rather's and George Soros' attempts to change the election results were seen and heard NATIONWIDE by hundreds of thousands MORE. We "cast the nets" far and wide to the REAL grassroots of America.

YOU DID IT. You can "pat yourself on the back" -- but only for today.

Our opponents on the left came awfully close to being able to actually carry out their plans to steal this election. They failed -- but have no doubt, unless something is done NOW, they will be back in FULL FORCE two and four years from now, and next time they may succeed.

President Bush won't go after these scoundrels. He's got a lot of other concerns on his plate right now, and it's time to "look presidential" in calling for "unity" in America.

We're all for "unity" in the War on Terror. But when it comes to our political system of elections in America, "the weeds are still in the garden" and they MUST be removed. Our opponents want to allow them to be even worse next time. They will tell us to "Move On" and ignore the massive voter registration fraud, and outright illegal voting, that took place this year.

We're not going to let them pull the wool over our eyes, though. RightMarch.com will be scrutinizing all of these incidences and underhanded attacks and analyzing every legal and political means possible to prevent the Left from cheating again. Someone must still find all the people who voted twice. Someone must look at the illegals that voted. Someone must demand prosecution of those who illegally allowed felons to vote from prison.

It was not close enough for them to steal THIS TIME -- but it may be next time.

Yes, we're pleased with the outcome of this week's election... but we must not rest now.

As we noted last week, in our efforts to (first) PREVENT voter fraud, and (second) EXPOSE voter fraud, we retained Larry Klayman, former Chairman of Judicial Watch, the non-partisan government watchdog, and now founder of The Klayman Law Firm, to prepare to file whatever lawsuits would be necessary to counter the shenanigans of the left.

While it looks like Kerry's legion of ten thousands lawyers won't be engaging in full-time litigation right now, we're still going to press ahead with our legal efforts and investigation... because SOMEONE has to!

As Klayman noted today, "My private law firm and I, on behalf of Rightmarch, will play a crucial role in making sure that legal tricks and other maneuvers do not thwart the will of the people, who through their votes have spoken in favor of conservative leadership. I am preparing legal actions to insure this."

TAKE ACTION: We were victorious this time. But the left is already regrouping, and next time we could be overwhelmed with a FLOOD of fraudulent registrations and votes like we've NEVER seen before -- and there will be NO WAY to fight it, unless we expose these efforts and defeat them NOW.

WILL YOU HELP US? Will you do YOUR part to make sure we aren't facing even WORSE efforts at liberal Democrat fraud two and four years from now? NOW is the time to "nip it in the bud", BEFORE they have a chance to expand their efforts!

DON'T just "Move On"! Please help us TODAY with your best contribution, since we have already put Larry Klayman to work in exposing what could be the biggest election fraud attempt in our country's history, and stopping the Left from trying again next election. Legal fees and costs are expensive, and WE NEED YOUR HELP. Click here to donate today!

If you prefer to contribute by check, please make it out to:

Golden Pkwy., Suite B, #325
Dept. Code rm
Buford, GA 30518-1712

NOTE: From voter fraud, to intimidation, to phony and fabricated ballots, to fictitious absentee voters, to illegal immigrants and dead voters, to persons who voted twice in different states -- you name it, we saw it in this election. The 2000 presidential elections and the debacle in Florida were just a warm up for what the Left tried to do in this election -- and almost succeeded at.

We MUST stop them from continuing their illegal attempts at vote fraud! What is at stake is the fate of the nation. Will the White House, Congress and the Courts be taken over in two and four years by radical leftists, or will responsible conservatives continue to govern under the rule of law and our Judeo-Christian value system?

It's up to US to stop them BEFORE they get any further. Please click here to help today.


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