I know. Those folks at the front desk are grouchy. Its 
$65 just for going in there. The vet students have always been
nice once you wait 4 hours.
The place in Jersey was empty and we waited 10 min. 

-----Original Message-----
From: Gail Defendorf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Dec 1, 2004 2:21 PM
Subject: [UC] Re: Vet School

i once lived for three gawd-awful years in Manhattan Kansas (yes, the 
Little Apple), and the only good thing about that place (other than the 
view in my rear-view mirror as I drove away) was the Vet School.  They 
had a clinic where one could get affordable walk-in care and regular 
check-ups.  I had one dog neutered there, and boarded it afterwards for 
about a week, and I don't remember the bill being much over $100.  Of 
course, every appointment took longer than usual, since first the 
student would check out the animal and then go off and report to their 
Resident Vet.  Then both would return and go over what needed to be done 
ad nauseum.  But since it's a teaching school, the long appointment vs. 
cheap cost balanced themselves out. 

When I moved to Philly, I was happy to be near a Vet School again, 
remembering how nice the KSU school was.  Much to my suprise and dismay, 
the Vet School here is a whole 'nuther universe.  I called them up and 
asked to make an appointment for a checkup and regular shots for my 
dog.  "We don't do that here!" replied the grouchy woman at the other 
end of the line.  "huh?", I said, "i thought this was a vet school? 
don't you do normal stuff?"  "NO!", she shouted at me "you have to go to 
a vet for that!"

Well, 'scuze me.  Makes me wonder how the hell these poor student learn 
the everyday ins-in-out of small animal care.  Not every vet visit is 
something exotic, requiring an MRI and kidney transplant.


Ben Rhoades wrote:

> At 12:35 PM 12/1/2004, Bill Sanderson wrote:
>> Just as a counterpoint.  I recently took our beagle to the Vet school...
> Much of it has to do with when/where at the Vet school you go.  
> Craig's message sounded much more like what I saw when I went to the 
> Vet ER vs what I've heard about if you make an appointment.
> I went to the vet er (on a weekend) with a friend around this time 
> last year and while the vets/students were nice and helpful, the staff 
> wasn't that much and the bill ended up being enormous and they didn't 
> really do all that much.  I'm with you that it's good having something 
> like this around but their attitude at a hospital leaves much to be 
> desired.
> She had tried to get the ferret in their docs but they only have very 
> limited hours (new patients can only come on weds between 1 - 3 pm).  
> It's odd to me that in a city, it's so hard to find important things 
> open after 5 pm/weekends.
> -Ben
> ----

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