What you overlook, Miggle, is that we're not simply talking about "turning our backs". That's polite code language. What we're actually talking about is turning our backs, dropping trou, and *mooning* the guy. If that's not a universally understood symbol, I don't know what is.
Ross Bender
In a message dated 12/16/2004 1:00:39 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
On 15 Dec, 2004, at 14:14, Mario Giorno wrote:
>         If we turn our backs on the president, we should all be aware
> that it's classically considered to be the ultimate symbolic gesture
> of no-confidence. It means we, in spirit if not in any physical sense,
> shun the man himself and cast him out. I can see why this would be a
> useful gesture to give toward the president and his policies; it's
> non-violent, it's universally understood,

The simple fact that you feel a need to explain your proposed actions
clearly illustrates that the concept is neither universally understood
nor a classic symbol of no-confidence.

The organizers may wish this to be so, but it is simply not true.

In fact, I would counter that the vast majority of the population would
consider turning one's back on someone to be nothing more than
disrespectful, and a reflection on the upbringing and education of
those so doing. We see this kind of behavior daily in the Philadelphia
schools, and in almost any "pre-teen" "clique" movie ... where
Hollywood uses the technique to underscore how immature the
participants are.

Media coverage of the event will spend 99% of the "piece" explaining
WHY these people were doing what they were doing -- because nobody in
the Media will believe that their audience will have any idea what it
is that the protesters are doing or trying to accomplish. In fact, the
Media will have to interview the protest organizers so that THEY can
explain what it is they are doing because the Media folks won't have a
clue what it is they are doing. ... except for what the protest
organizers will have explained to the assignment editors in their press
releases to get the Media to cover them in the first place.

William H. Magill

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