In a message dated 12/18/2004 12:19:07 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, L a s e r B e a m ® wrote writes:
[re convention hall demolition]: no one from uchs
seems to be  involved, either as a commentator or protestor. odd
Not odd at all. Goes back to what I've said all along about the motives for the HD effort in University City. Only the most naive proponents believe the malarkey about the "precious historical heritage" of our "period" as opposed to "historic" visual aesthetics. The rest of them -- the majority and certainly the prime movers -- really only want a tool to control the behavior and the presence of the great unwashed masses who outnumber them in the neighborhood.
And, as a secondary issue, most of these folks don't dare crossing the Penn administration. They don't want to risk losing the shards of illusion of standing they still have left as representatives of the community.
Al Krigman
(Left of Ivan Groznyj)

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