Title: Scammer or Casing Alert
Definitely scam.  At a New Years party this morning I heard a very similar story from a neighbor.
Probably one guy--and he's working hard!
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, January 01, 2005 6:09 PM
Subject: [UC] Scammer or Casing Alert

We just had a guy stop by the front door claiming he'd locked his keys in his car on 36th street (along with his wallet) and needed my help for something abstract. He said he'd just moved up here to live in 217 with his grandparents (the Hendersons, who may or may not live in 217) to attend Penn. When he said this, I realized I'd met him about a year ago when he came to my door with the exact same story and wanted $20 to pay the locksmith. When I told him he'd stopped by already with the same story, he said all he wanted was to call the locksmith to make sure they'd be at his car. I asked what they're number was (the locksmith) he gave me a bogus number (someone's home answering machine), when I said it was a home machine he said "Oh, they must be at my car" and took off.

I'm not sure if he's just hoping to get $20 from someone or, as Christy suspected, he was casing the place.

Thought I should mention this in case anybody else runs into him.

He looks to be mid to late 20's, about five five, white, very closely cropped dark hair, slight gap between his front teeth. He told me his name was Lee.

Christy says she believes she's also met him when she lived on 20th street telling the same story.

Has anybody else run into this guy?


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