Title: RE: [UC] I don't mind if the people directly impacted by it don't

Al quoted the DP:

>>Most recently utilized as office space, the building
>>at 4200 Pine St. will be converted into 30 condominiums,
>>helping to advance the University's goal of increasing
>>home-ownership in the area.

I'm quoting al:

>It seems to me that adding 30 families to the parcel in
>question ought to get the folks in the 4200 blocks of Pine
>and Osage fairly uncomfortable. Even though the property has
>parking lot, this means more traffic and more of what people

I may be in the minority, but I'd be tickled pink by 30 more homeowners in the neighborhood. I wish there were 30 new home owners on my block. It's been my experience that home owners don't leave mattresses in their front yards or let weeds grow four feet high whereas renters have no incentive. The place next door to me was owned by a guy who lived somewhere far away. The front lawn would grow four feet high, and one day I'd see him leaving the property with some rent checks and I'd mention that the yard was out of hand, so he'd have someone come in and cut down all the weeds, and two weeks later, it would be back, sheltering cougars and triffids, and I'd mention it to him again the next time I'd see him, and he'd have it cut. I _WANT_ home owners, home owners who don't live on their properties I don't need any more of. I have plenty.

That's just my .02, but I'm sticking to it.

(and let's not knock horace trumbar, the architect of duke university!

I'm sure Dubin's heard of him.


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