Amen to Marlene’s observations.


At least some of us would

Like to see this listserve be more oriented towards the needs and interests of the local community

and would hope that persons into trashing

Others and/or trying to use the list for personal obsessions that are not of general interest would set up

THEIR OWN listserves where they could share their comments with kindred souls.


And, now that Marlene and I have gone on the record, I guess we can be expected

To receive lots of snide, insulting, and crude emails attacking us.  Oh, well.


Ann Mayer 


-----Original Message-----
Thursday, February 17, 2005 2:40 PM
Subject: [UC] Tone of List


Just wanted to let you know, I've gotten a lot of emails over the past few months from people who (like myself) are reluctant to post to this list because some of the just dowright rude comments certain posts have engendered.  This is really too bad, because it means that we are missing out on informative/interesting/humorous commentary relevant to our neighborhood. I honestly think, that while some of exchanges are amusing, little in-jokes and repartees, are not really appropriate to this list - would be more appropriate to personal email.  I have hear my view of this stated numerous times in numerous ways, by other posters.  Hopefully, in time this will change.  It is not about censorship or limiting free speech, it is about common courtesy.


Marlene Levy

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